Tuesday 11 September 2007

End of our trip in Malaysia

Well, that's us reached our final destination in Malaysia. We're now in Sandakan, Sabah, in Malaysian Borneo. We fly out to Cambodia from here on Thursday, so we plan on spending the next 2 days here. However, the only thing you can do here is take a boat out and spend a night on turtle island to see the turtles laying their eggs and do a bit of snorkelling. Only problem is that only 50 people are allowed on per night and it is fully booked out until Friday, so we're having to give it a miss. It's not so bad because we've spoken to other people and they say it is quite touristy, only problem is is that there is nothing else to do here. So, we spoke to the lovely, but crazy, woman at the tourist information and we have arranged a private tour of the Proboscis Monkey Centre outside of town tomorrow, which should keep us going. We've also found this beautiful wee colonial tea room and restaurant (English Tea Room!!) on the top of the hill overlooking the town, so we're going for dinnerthere tomorrow night, before we fly out on Thursday for Cambodia.



Anonymous said...

Sounds bliss!

Don't forget the Khmer Kitchen in Siem Reap - yummy curries for much cheapness.

Nic where are the piccies of you as requested by "D" - have you turned into an orangutan?


Our itinerary said...

Hello! I have remembered to ask Dene to take photos of me - I'm always too busy hogging the camera but just on for a quickie booking of our next hotel but I shall post next time. I actually have a particularly good one of me pretending to be an orangutan! We shall definitely go to the Khmer Kitchen - so excited about Angkor Wat - we'll be there day after tomorrow - yay! nx

Our itinerary said...

Hello! I have remembered to ask Dene to take photos of me - I'm always too busy hogging the camera but just on for a quickie booking of our next hotel but I shall post next time. I actually have a particularly good one of me pretending to be an orangutan! We shall definitely go to the Khmer Kitchen - so excited about Angkor Wat - we'll be there day after tomorrow - yay! nx