Tuesday 11 September 2007

Gomantong Caves

A rushed photo of inside the Gomantong Caves taken before I bailed for the entrance! The black piles are bat poo which literally move with cockroaches....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OHMIGAWD!!! That cave would be my idea of living hell....poo and cockroaches - heebies heebies HEEBIES!!!

your blog and pics are fab guys - keep em coming. Are you logging on to email too though (i.e. so we can communicate wiht you without communicating wiht the other readers of your blog?...not that I can think of anything particularly private to say...just not sure anyone else needs to see my ramblings..) - if so, what email address are you using?

Your Shewee arrived a few days after you left Nic - it's ace! I want one! Did you get my voicemail on your mobile by the way? Really sorry about mixup re. sat PM before you left - my phone had died so I didn't get message til the Sunday arvo and then had got confused re. timings of your flight so left it too late to call to wish you bon voyage one last time....I am rubbish. sorry.

aaanyways, best stop rambling - missing you guys already, but can't stop grinning in the knowledge of the fun you're having!

Take care petals
G xx