Friday 26 October 2007


Today has been a very exciting day - I got my engagement ring - aaahhh!  Bought it in Chiang Mai where we currently are in Thailand which was actually slightly stupid timing given that we're off to do trekking through the jungle to visit hilltribes the day after tomorrow with some bamboo rafting on the way home!!!  Ah well, I loved it too much to be sensible!  I'm not going to put any pictures of it on the blog so that I can show it off properly when we get home!

We started our trip to Thailand in style.  While out for a few drinks last night we got talking to a bunch of Thais who took us under their wing, plied us with drink and took us dancing - all quite surreal but a lot of fun.  So we actually bought my engagement ring while suffering massive hangovers!  Chiang Mai is lovely - lots of temples in the old city but lots of Western stuff in the new city with nice restaurants and bars.  As tacky as it sounds we both whooped with joy at seeing the golden arches of a Macdonalds when we arrived yesterday!  Looking forward to getting further up north to see the scenery.

(A very excited) Nic x


Anonymous said...

reading your interseting news sitting at my pc at lunch hour ( in the office) - its pouring outside ; can't wait until the week-end arrives! have fun.

Anonymous said...


can't wait to see your ring! if you are looking for a gorgeous place to go for dinner try the rachakamnka hotel. we stayed there when we were in chaing mai. it has a gorgeous courtyard restaurant - very chilled out. good food and wine.


p.s. we got a nintendo wii today - so exciting!!

Anonymous said...

sorry mispelt the name of the hotel - its the rachamanka - coming atcha!